Friday, October 29, 2010

It has been 3 weeks since school has started and I have done nothing.  I don't know what is wrong and why I am so stress out.  I can't get out of this mood I am in for a month now.  I hate my job and the people i am working with they also bring me down.  i can't wait until I get out of that place.  This past Wednesday was my 30th birthday and that was depressing too.  I have fun going out with all of y friends but when the day came that I woke up 30 and no more 20s it was hard.  I feel that I have not done anything in y life so far.  I do know that I have a beautiful baby girl and she is the world to me.  I have been sick for a week now and can't get out it.  I am still thinking about the topic I want to write about and I am still unsure on how to use my schools library.  I don't like how it keeps coming up with articles and not enough info.  I hope this week will be better for me.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

WOW can't believe we are at the end.  It has been a long and rough road for me.  I don't know what happen this past 10 weeks but I really had a hard time.  I am glad to say I am happy this is over and I can look forward now. 

I know that I am not a good writer and I have always been that way.  I can write about something that has happen to me or something along that line.  But it is hard to write about something that I have to do research for.  I have a lot of trough with the pen and paper.(lol)  I have the power when I know that I have control of what I want to write.  Take care everyone I hope to see you in the future classes.